Geology Hike
Geology Hike We will explore the geologic history by examining the rocks and sediments preserved along the walls of the gorge. The...
Winter Hike
Winter Hike Come and enjoy the best of winter in the park. These group hikes are brought to you by Friends of Wooster Memorial Park...
Quercus alba Hike
Quercus alba Hike With the opening of Kenwood, there is a new and more “gentle” approach (less steep!) to access Rathburn Run’s ravine....
Hemlocks: jewels of the park.
Hemlocks: jewels of the park. Enjoy a leisurely hike and learn about these beautiful trees.
Outer Trail Group Hike
Hike the Outer Trail for a good view of Rathburn Run ravine after leaf fall. This will be a strenuous hike (3.7 miles, 2.5-3 hours) with...
Starry Night Hike
Starry night at the park. Come view the autumn stars and a crescent moon. Campfire and short hike are included. These group hikes are...
Sunrise Hike at Kenwood
Meet in the Kenwood parking lot any time after 6:30 am to experience sunrise at 7:15. Bring a hot or cold beverage to enjoy with provided...
Perseid meteor shower
The Perseid meteor shower is peaking during a nearly new moon and very dark skies, which make for good meteor viewing. Bring snacks, bug...
Insect Scavenger Hunt
Insect Scavenger Hunt – Join Wilderness Center naturalist Carrie Elvey for a fun-for-all-ages insect hunt. We’ll meet at the pavilion and...
Fern Hike
Ferns exhibit the pure beauty of leaves". And best time to identify most ferns is mid summer when the spore capsules (sori) are mature...