Improvements Around The Park
The Friends of Wooster Memorial Park work to keep trails cleared and safe. Below you can find some of the most recent projects. If you'd like to be involved, please reach out on the contact form, we'd love to hear from you.
January 2021 - Invasive Removal Work Days
The invasive plant removal group has been working incredibly hard this winter on clearing the park of these unwanted plants
November 29, 2020 - Invasive Removal Work Day
We worked the left side of the Education Bridge and had 9 people (includes John and me). 4 were of a family group.
Fall, 2020 - Various Work Days
Our wonderful volunteers working in the park in the fall of 2020
September 5, 2020 - Trillium Trail Walkway Project
On September 5 the Trillium Trail walkway project was completed. Bob Haugh, who designed the walkways led a crew of 9 volunteers to complete the task. Thanks to Rich Boyer, who not only volunteered his time, but also his all terrain vehicle and trailer to haul the 8 ft. sections down the Quercus Alba trail to their location on the Trillium. Volunteers loaded and unloaded the trailer and placed the modules on the trail. After making adjustments they fixed them in position with rebar. In addition to Bob and Rich, thanks to Matt Haugh, Chuck Armbruster, Matt Mariola, Luca Mariola, Nick Wiesenberg, Ken Shafer, Don Tkacz and Clyde Potts for their hard work and dedication to Wooster Memorial Park.
July 7, 2020 - Parkview Church Love Out Loud Work day
On July 7, 2020 17 volunteers from Parkview Church, lead by youth pastor, Jeremy Scadden on their Love Out Loud work day, helped to install walkways on the Spangler and Trillium trails. They also mulched the Education trail from the bridge to the prairie and farther east along the prairie. Five volunteers from FWMP, Bob Haugh, Chuck Armbruster, Ken Schaffer, John Abt, and Jeanne Durkalski lead the way. Thank you to all for making these considerable improvements to park trails.
May 21, 2020 - Muddy Area Improvements
April 18, 2020 - Invasive Plant Control Work Day
November 17, 2019 - Invasive Plant Control Work Day
October 30, 2019 - Invasive Plant Control Work Day
Here are a couple of photos from yesterdays invasive work on the Kenwood. Two college of Wooster students joined us and their names are Shirapa Shahreen (on the left) and Nosherwan Ahmad Mughal, both first year biology students. They gave us permission to post or use their photos. The other workers are Nancy Burkholder, Dan Buehler, John Abt and Jeanne Durkalski (not pictured).
John did a great job leading the students and explaining things and the students were both hard workers and fun to work with. We removed mostly privet, Asian bittersweet, Multiflora rose, and honeysuckle.
October 21, 2019 - Tooley Spur Bench
October 19, 2019 - College of Wooster Black and Gold Weekend
On Saturday, October 19th, six volunteers from FWMP led 20 volunteers from the College of Wooster on "Black and Gold Weekend" to help with needed trail work at Wooster Memorial Park. On a beautiful sunny morning with crisp cool air, the volunteers worked hard to mulch the Beginning of the Spangler trail and remove invasive species from the newly acquired Tooley property. Thanks to all who participated.
September 7 2019 - College of Wooster Swim Team Volunteers
On Saturday, September 7th, 19 members of the College of Wooster swim team along with their coach Rob Harrington worked three hours to make several improvements on WMP trails. Led by FWMP volunteers Bob Haugh, Nick Wiesenberg and Shelley Schrier, they cleared trails, dug trenches to divert water, cleared built up gravel and soil from water bars, and repositioned railroad ties to make steps. In addition on the morning FWMP volunteer Kris Hawke painted blazes on the Outer trail. Thanks to all of the volunteers for their hard work to keep the trails in good shape.
September 1 2019 - Connection Church Volunteer Day
On Sunday, September 1, fourteen volunteers from Connection Churchcame to WMP on their community service day. Led by FWMP volunteers John Abt, Jay Mosley and Shelley Schrier, they mulched several sections of the Education trail and repainted blazes on the Education and Sassafras trails. Thank you Connection Church for choosing to help out at Wooster Memorial Park.
July 28 2019 - New Pointe Church Volunteer Day
New Pointe Church held a community volunteer day on Sunday, July 28, 2019. Lead by FWMP members Chuck Armbruster and Jay Mosley, 10 volunteers from New Pointe Church installed 6 posts and signs on the new Roller trail and Tooley spur. An additional post and signs were installed for the Saddleback trail. Thanks to the hard working volunteers for making this important improvement to Wooster Memorial Park.
July 2019 - New Trillium Trail Bridge
On July 9, 12 and 13 three Wooster City personnel along with 13 FWMP volunteers built a bridge over an eroding section of the Trillium trail. The bridge, designed by FWMP member Bob Haugh, greatly improves hikers ability to traverse this trail. Andrew Guidetti, PPM Supervisor, Rick Thompson and Jordan Grossen from the city along with Bob Haugh spent Tuesday clearing the trail to transport materials and building the foundation. Then on Friday and Saturday volunteers John Abt, Chuck Armbruster, Jeannette Durkalski, Trudi Hoyle, Tim Mendiola, Jay Mosley, Tricia Petraven, Clyde Potts, Randy Rowe, Shelley Schrier, Nick Wiesenberg, and Greg Wiles, led by Bob Haugh collectively contributed 90 hours to construct the bridge. Thanks to the city for providing the materials and thanks to all who contributed their time to complete this project.
October 2018 - New Spangler Trail Bridge
Spangler trail has a new bridge at a precarious crossing thanks to our many volunteers and Bob Haugh!!
After Images:
Before Images:
October 2018 - Park improvements
September 22, 2018 - Kiosk improvements
The kiosks have been 'spiffied up'. Painting by Darin Pritt, new member of the kiosk committee. Jeanne Fedyk and Jenni Adams (she added the non-fading black paper to the other side of the kisoks - not known in pics) are the other members of the subcommittee.
September 22, 2018 - College of Wooster Service Day
On Saturday, September 22, students, faculty and staff from the College of Wooster spent the morning volunteering at Wooster Memorial Park for the Black and Gold Saturday Service Day. Sixteen volunteers, led by 3 members of the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park helped with seeding along the new Kenwood ADA trails and building a trail on the new Roller acquisition. In addition, 4 more volunteers from the Friends group installed tree guards to protect many of the trees planted in Kenwood. Thanks to all who helped.
September 2, 2018 - Connection Church Workday
On Sunday, September 2 volunteers from Connection Church in Wooster came to Wooster Memorial Park. On a very hot and humid day, they worked for 2 hours mulching trails in the Education area and installing sign posts for the new Kenwood trails. Leaders from the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park Dan Buehler, Sue Arcy and Rhonda Edgerton helped the mulchers and Nick Weisenberg and Shelley Schrier helped the trail post installers. Andy Pea and Jason Boreman from the city came in on their weekend to dig the post holes. Thanks to all the volunteers for a very successful day.
June 26, 2018 - Education Bridge Repair
Thanks to Bob Haugh, Chuck Armbruster, Dan Buehler, John Abt and Clyde Potts for completing the repair on the Education trail bridge. They raised the bridge, placed the 8x8x8' timber to support the south end, placed about 35 crushed limestone filled bags to protect the bank from hopefully further erosion and re-planked the whole bridge to get better spacing between the planks. Their efforts make the park safer for all to enjoy. Their dedication to the park and spirit of volunteerism is truly appreciated.
April 22, 2018 - College Of Wooster Pi Kappa Sorority Volunteers on Earthday
Nine young women from the College of Wooster Pi Kappa sorority wanted to do a project at Wooster Memorial Park in honor of Earth Day. Under the leadership of two FWMP members they spent 2.5 hours at the park pulling the invasive garlic mustard. Pulling these invasive plants allows room for native species to flourish. Thanks to these dedicated women for their contribution to park beauty.
April 18, 2018 - Work Day
Clearing the woods of invasive shrubs! Thanks to all our volunteers!
April 14, 2018 - College of Wooster Work Day
On April 14, seventeen students from the College of Wooster Volunteer Network worked for three hours mulching trails and picking garlic mustard. Oriana Freeman from the COW VN executive board contacted the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park to volunteer their services. Four members of FWMP, John Abt, Chuck Armbruster, Dan Buehler and Tom Johnson along with Jack Savage from OARDC volunteered to supervise the work. Students worked hard and finished mulching the Education trail in time to take some short hikes and pick the invasive garlic mustard. Thanks to all who participated.
February 28, 2018 - Locust Tree Removal
Work at the Education Area to clear locust trees from the prairie and also invasive shrubs in the same area.
November 16, 2017 - Invasive Shrub Removal
Today John (Abt) had a workday out at the park clearing invasives such as honeysuckle and privet from the little steam that separates the Kenwood property from the white house to the west. It looks much better now but was sure a lot of work. Helpers were Dan Buehler and Tim Mendiola and Jeanne Durkalski (not in the photo).
November 11, 2017 - Invasive Shrub Removal
Thanks Tom, Beth, Dan, and Jeanne. It was a small, but great work crew!
November 3, 2017 - Gabe Walker, Eagle Scout
Thanks to Gabe Walker, Eagle Scout for choosing WMP for his project. Gabe planned and supervised the building of a boardwalk on the Strock trail. He also moved and/or reinstalled four trail posts. Thanks also to Troop 66 and Gabe's advisors.
October 5, 2017 - Kenwood Seeding
Volunteers from Friends of Wooster Memorial Park were out Thursday seeding parts of the new Kenwood Trail (still under construction). Great job!
"Over the last two days a sizeable area of the Kenwood was seeded to grass. Thanks go to many people for a hurry-up effort due to the forcasted rain. Special thanks to Dustin for enduring the very dusty work, and to Dominic for helping us in a pinch.
Grass seed donations: Paradise Lawn Care, Walmart, and Centerra Coop (Henry St.)
Final ground preparation: Ventrac Corp. and Dustin Steiner
Seed spreaders and straw thrower: Tim Mendiola and Central Rental
Labor: Dustin Steiner, Chuck Armbruster, Barb Moore, Peter Kruse, John Abt, Jeanne Durkalski, Dan Buehler, Andrew and Dominic Guidetti (hope I haven't forgotten someone)"
October 4 & 5, 2017 - New Bridge
The first bridge in the park has been eroding and tilting quite bad the past year, volunteer Bob Haugh and his team of volunteers have came in and built a new bridge and a bench! Great job Bob!
August 26, 2017 - College of Wooster Freshmen Community Service
101 College of Wooster freshmen led by 15 volunteers from the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park descended on the park in the morning to tackle a variety of projects. Students participated in mulching trails, carrying PVC pipe to a site for future installation, building French drains, preparing a site for bridge construction, repairing a kiosk, painting blazes and posts, clearing soil and debris from water bars, cutting down invasive catalpa trees, and collecting seeds from prairie plants for future planting. Thanks to these super young adults for their hard work and dedication.
August 24, 2017 - Steps Repair
Thanks to John Parker (and Buddy) for repairing the steps at the Sassafras trail bridge.
August 2, 2017 - Trail Clearing
Thanks to Dan Buehler for clearing stinging nettles from the trails last week. Despite his stiff neck, he went back out today to finish the job. Volunteers contribute to maintaining the park throughout the year. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, join the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park.
July 24, 2017 - Education Trail Bridge Repairs
The Friends of Wooster Memorial Park work to keep trails cleared and safe. On July 24, five volunteers worked to level the Education trail bridge. Thanks to Bob Haugh, Clyde Potts, Chuck Armbruster, Tim Breiner, and John Abt (not pictured) for their hard work.
May 23, 2017 - Main Trail Mulching
Re-mulching is a great way to keep the trails safe. Many thanks to our volunteers!
May 20, 2017 - Wooster Church of the Nazarene Work Day
THANK YOU to 35 members of the Wooster Church of the Nazarene for volunteering to do trail work on May 20 at Wooster Memorial Park. Volunteers spread mulch on trails and installed posts at various locations throughout the park. Those who installed posts waded through Rathburn Run to get to their destinations. Thanks also to volunteers from the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park who along with COW tree ring students staged posts the day before and led groups from the church. Much was accomplished in a little over 2 hours.
August 27, 2016 - College of Wooster Freshmen Community Service
On August 27 the College of Wooster first year students provided community service throughout the city of Wooster. As a result, approximately 75 students were at Wooster Memorial Park in two shifts, from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to noon. They were led by 17 volunteers- 14 from the Friends of Wooster Memorial park and 3 more from the OARDC. Projects included building new steps on the northern approach to the Sassafras trail bridge; clearing water bars on the Spangler trail, repainting the lettering and securing the entrance sign at the Spangler trail head, mulching on the Education trail; painting the Silver Rd. pavilion; replacing side boards on the Outer trail; and installing tree guards on the newly planted trees on Kenwood Acres. We whole heartedly thank these fine young men and women for their contributions to the park.